Saturday, July 27, 2013

Adventures with Graphing Paper

This summer I have been a little addicted to trying out new fonts and looking up typography on pintrest. I like the slow process of training my hand to try something new, or flying my pen across the page for a flowy free look. I think what I like most about it though is making the ordinary beautiful and bring about more visual meaning to my words.

Generation Word Bible Study ~ notes 7/23/13
I noticed as I searched many images on pintrest that many people practice on graphing paper. Before I always thought of graphing paper was for math classes, like finding the length of a side in geometry, or finding the slope in trig. So I tried it out by printing off an online template... and loved it! There are so many less restrictions than that of college-ruled notebook paper that I was using. I found it so much easier to experiment.

Ever sense trying it I have been eyeing a graphing paper notebook, and trying to deside if it would be a frivolous expense. Would I really use it enough to make it worth it? I often have the problem of I start a notebook and am excited about it, and then only fill half the pages. Well I finally caved, when I was out school supply shopping at OfficeMax, (office supply stores can be a dangerous place for me, all the beautiful new school supplies...), and I just couldn't resist.

I have enjoyed the notebook so far and have found it helpful to keep notes from church and Bible study in. Thinking about the font choices and meandering my pen over the letters many times seems to keep my mind focused and free of clutter. I also find I go back and read my notes now as well (which I never have before) because I think they are beautiful. Though in the moment of note taking there are many mispelled words and my dyslexia comes out of hiding. I try to just accept spelling mistakes and enjoy what I have.


  1. Luckily for people with dyslexia (I'm dyslexic) assistive technology found a way to help us.

    I'm using Ghotit spell, and grammar checker that helps me write almost with no misspelled words and misused words.

  2. I have never heard of Ghotit spell before. I mostly rely on spell checker, and close friends or family to look over important public documents. I will check it out, thank you!
    I enjoy handwriting so much though and is one place I generally can't hide completely. I feel more alive using my own pen somehow than typing. But I am very thankful when I have something that needs to go out into the world for the help of technology! :)

  3. What a cool idea! My daughters have leftover graph paper from old math classes...sounds like something I want to try :-)
